Derick's Blog

What I am studying

In this post I describe my current interests and how I will study these interests. My motivation comes from the desire to increase my knowledge and expertise in some interests of old and some newer interests.

Life & Japanese

I studied Japanese for about 6 years throughout undergrad. I wasn’t always successfull but the japanese language has always been an interest of mine. I’m not entirely sure why, but I love the sounds and the different characters.

Over the next year I would like to learn about 500 Kanji. I used to know about that many but have completely forgotten them. I’m down to about 10-20 kanji that I can recognize and speak.

500 might be entirely too many and already it has taken me longer than usual to remember the kanji I’ve been studying. So maybe I’ll settle for 100-125 by end of year. That seems reasonable…I think